Wednesday, 22 January 2014

One Word - FREEDOM

I have been struggling the last few months to spend time with God and hear from him. Each year I ask for a scripture for the year and for this year decided to ask for one specifically for my boys also. I got one each for the boys but struggled to get anything, but in the time of struggle there was also a sense of peace to just keep waiting on the Lord.

We have just got back from an 8 day holiday and God spoke to me through I book I took away on holiday. The book is 'The Power of a Praying Life' by Stormie O'Martian. I am a huge Stormie fan. I have read and own quite a few of her books and this one would by far have to be my favourite!

So the word I got through reading this book is 'FREEDOM'. Freedom from the bondage of anxiety, depression, anger and fear. And as the word 'Freedom' began to set in my heart I started to realize that this book was all about freedom, especially when we pray and spend time with God.

With this word 'FREEDOM' also comes more that one verse which I can hold on to for this year:

'Because he loves me' says the Lord, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, 
for he acknowledges my name. 
He will call on me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, 
I will deliver him and honour him.'
PSALM 91:14,15


'So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.
JOHN 8:36


I have always allowed my anxiety/depression and fears to over rule what God says. My biggest fears and anxieties happen in the middle of the night or just before I go to sleep. So when I am tired I then become angry easily and run down with depression making my work a lot harder and people harder to deal with. To be honest just before we went on holiday I was seriously thinking about heading back to my doctor for some kind of medication because I became so sick. 

This year my hope and goal is to:
  • seek daily the light of Jesus that leads me 
  • spend time in worship and prayer each day, even if it is only 5 minutes - at least it's something
  • to seek positive influence in people around me
  • to allow God to take over my entire being - he knows I give myself fully to the work he has for me it's those times when spiritual attack comes that I start to head off in the wrong direction and follow my own path. (It's not fun!)
Another thing that comes each year is a song of some sort. And the words of 'In Christ Alone' have been playing around in not only my hear this last week but also in my boys hearts which is so awesome! 

These words I plan to put up on a poster in my office to remind me each day whose I am and who I follow:

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

Here's to another good year!

God Bless

Friday, 3 January 2014

What Path?

Sermon for 5th January 2014.

See this picture – Let’s just say each of us is standing at this fork in the road today.

On the left hand side you can see it goes off and you can’t see where it’s going. On the right hand side you can see an opening at the end.

At this moment with a show of hands without knowing what I am going to be talking about if you could choose who would choose the left path? –
And who would choose the right path?

Today I want to bring some encouragement for the New Year. New Years is a time of reflection and a time of resolutions…. I have been thinking about how my 2013 went and what I would change for this year. – I am at the fork in the road – I have a decision to make.

Proverbs 3:5 says this

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make you paths straight.

Last year was a good year for us. It was great to get here and start the work God had laid on our hearts. The first 7-8 months were really good, I felt like God was with me all the time and I was happy, then all of a sudden something changed. I started to get tired and wasn’t going to God first as I should. I began relying on my own strength and wanting to do things my way. So because of that it became harder and I was less motivated and all things became negative. 

This scripture is my life verse and God always brings it up at the right times.

The word lean has the sense of putting your whole weight on something, resting and trusting in that person or thing. When we have an important decision to make we can feel like there is no one to trust – sometimes we feel like we can’t even trust God.
Which in turn makes us rely on our own strength and that gets us no where!

So leaning on our own doesn’t really make sense now does it? How can we lean on ourselves? We could lean on a wall – but is that really leaning on ourselves – not really because there needs to be something there for us to lean.

So how about we change this scripture to ‘Trust in the Lord and lean ONLY on his understanding.’ How would that be? When I think of it like that it makes sense. I need something to lean against, if there isn’t anything there then I would fall over!

In all your ways acknowledge him:
That part of the verse uses the word all. Who knows what all means? Here are some words from the thesaurus that kind of tells us what all means:

Totally and Utterly
All embracing
All encompassing
All inclusive
The works

The dictionary says ALL: - the whole of, the greatest possible, everything

So this is saying – Totally and utterly, completely, entirely, fully, with everything, acknowledge him. Give him everything you have got.

So after that explanation looking back on 2013 how and when did we acknowledge God? Did we only acknowledge him things were good? Did we say thank you even when times were tough? Did we give him credit for absolutely everything?

 The last part of the scripture says: and he will make your paths straight.

So going back to the picture - The left hand I see that as a representation of us making our own decision and going on our own way, the path will become curvy and bumpy making it difficult to see the end result.  It looks dark and choosing the wrong path does bring darkness.

The right hand side represents us trusting God. We can see what is in the end. When we have made the decision to follow Jesus we know where we are going and we can have total peace in that. We know the light is at the end. Now, choosing this path can be hard work because we know there are hard times and there are bumps and curves in the road but we know at the end there is light, not darkness.

I often find that when I am getting too far in my own ways there comes an overwhelming darkness on my life. It becomes a time of deep anxiety, depression. That darkness brings judgemental and negative towards others.
Thankfully, I believe in a redemptive God. I believe in a loving, caring God who helps. When I have gone onto the wrong path he will bring me back to the right path.

Have you ever been in a forest similar to this? While we were in Upper Hutt we found this really cool walk way we would take the boys in because it was only short and we knew it was safe. It was kind of similar to this.

The right hand side was a straight path that went straight towards the river, but the one on the left went off into the walk. You would be walking then there would be another fork and you would have to decide on what one to take. One side would head towards the straight path towards the river, and the other would take you another way.

I see God like this – we are allowed to make mistakes. We are not perfect but God still loves us anyway. So those times we do take the left hand path – eventually they there is another path that can get us back on the straight path. God is a redemptive God and he gives us more than two chances.

So today we are at a fork in the road. It’s the beginning of 2014 where we can make the decision to go our own way and or we can choose the right path and acknowledge God in everything we do.

I know I don’t want to be on the same path as the last few months. I need to get back on the right path, and make some changes in my life. Who’s coming on that journey?

Trust in the Lord, lean only on his understanding and in totally and utterly, completely, entirely, fully, acknowledge him in everything. Give him everything you have got and he will make your path straight.

As we finish up I want to give a chance to respond, to make a new years decision. Down here is a path you can take. One path leads to the door for this moment this represents us making the decision to go in our own strength and not giving God our all. The second leads to the mercy seat/prayer corner, if we make the decision to acknowledge God in our totally and utterly, completely, entirely, fully, everything, acknowledge him then take the moment to give to him what we need to. Give up the stuff that needs to be let go from last year. This is a new year and this is an opportunity to tell God ‘I trust you, totally and utterly, completely, entirely, fully, in everything I do.’